Hestocon Certification Services (HCS) is a Netherlands based Homologation Technical service having designations from the Dutch (E4/e4) and Irish (E24/e24) Type approval authorities for UN ECE regulations and EU regulations, covering components, systems, and all vehicle categories (L, M, N, O & T).
HCS also has its presence in countries like China, India, and Turkey, with sales offices located in Korea and Japan. HCS has a team of technical experts spread across its offices, supporting the homologation requirements in those regions.
In addition to European type approvals, HCS also offers consultancy services for China, India, Australia and many other markets.
Test Facilities
HCS co-operates with ISO17025 accredited test facilities which enables us to fulfil various test requirements.
HCS can also perform supervision (witness) tests at the manufacturer’s premises or at a third party laboratory, which gives the manufacturer’s freedom of choice in the testing location.